In this technological era, Getting information about something is like a cup of tea. We know very well that google has the fastest and most popular search engine ever in the world with 80% of searches performs on it instead of others like Bing, Yahoo, Duckduckgo, etc. Millions of people search at least one query per day on google but most of them don't able to get the pinpoint most out of it and waste a lot of time to get results on one search not able to do that in the right way.
Here I'll share some tips and tricks to save time and lots of effort you give to search that I also experienced. so here are 7 tips you should use to get a better experience from google:-
1. Use the colon to download files
Want to download any book, news, presentation, etc. on google but still struggling with it, here is a solution in a very easy manner. For eg if you want to download a pdf file of a book like “Rich Dad Poor Dad” (my favorite one) search on google, and get lots of different results like buying the book from amazon, Wikipedia, etc.
2. Narrow down the phrase with a quotes
3. Use + and - for getting the desired result
Most of the time you want to find specific things about your query but it doesn't happen and a lot of unnecessary results are found. For instance, if search "how to manage time" you may get results inclusive of time management for all people but if you are in the category of student it could be amazing with putting a '+' sign along with the phrase "how to manage time"+students. you get certain results with manage time for students only. Make sure that there should be no space between the phrase and the "+" sign.
Furthermore, you could also use it to exclude unwanted phrases. For example, if you plan to buy a jacket but not in leather stuff then this trick will get you the most out of it with a ' - ' sign, put it before the last phrase like "jacket"-leather. Now this will enquire results keep out leather jackets you can use it according to your need.
4. Search particular websites
There are lots of websites that exist but If you want to get results from a particular website then this trick is for you. For example, if you plan to do a digital marketing course from udemy website, search "digital marketing course".
5. Find related websites
If you want to examine related websites that exist on the internet world then here is the way to search for that kind of website to get similar results.
6. Use wildcard * asterisk
Sometimes during a search, you might forget any word regarding your search and put a wildcard * between the place of the forgotten word. Google will find words automatically related to the whole phrase when searching a phrase like "work * dream big" you will get results about the whole phrase related to this word.
Thanks for sharing these helpful tricks